Steele, ND
Steele Area Attractions >>
If you enjoy hunting or fishing, golfing or birding, frisbee golf or swimming, Steele is a great place to pass the time and relax with your favorite hobbies. Run, walk or bike on quiet streets, take the kids to one of three city playgrounds or simply enjoy North Dakota's fabulous sunsets from any number of friendly places and spaces. At Steele you'll find activities for all ages, all year long. The city boasts a golf course and a disc golf course, swimming pool, parks, playgrounds and ball diamonds. Residents and visitors also enjoy snowmobiling, cross-country skiing, year-round fishing and hunting. Local lakes are a great place for boating and watersports, and seniors gather at their center for meals and socializing.

If you're more inclined to traditional golf, Steele offers the Cottonwood Golf Course, a nine-hole, well-maintained and open course located 3 miles west of Steele on Hwy 10. Weekly Men's Night and Ladies' Night from May through September with several weekend amateur tournaments and fundraisers throughout the season. Phone (701) 475-2416 for more information.
Steele is in the heart of Kidder County, one of the best birding destinations in North America. Start in Steele and follow three distinct birding routes anchored by two of the best wildlife refuges in the country. Each route leads you through some of the most compelling examples of the Northern Great Plains, its landscapes, wildlife and people. Among the many treasures is an abundance of birds, from the wide variety of species to the stunning migration phenomena of watching a flock of thousands of birds rise as one.
As avid hunters and fishermen may know, Central North Dakota is populated with a wide range of birds, wildlife, lakes and waterholes. From waterfowl (Geese, Ducks, Coots, Mergansers, Swan) to Small/Upland Game (Grouse, Dove, Crane, Pheasant, Snipe, Woodcock, Squirrel, Hungarian Partridge) to Big Game (Deer, Pronghorn, Moose, Elk, Bighorn Sheep) and Wild Turkey, North Dakota is a wonderful hunting destination. In recent years, hunting has even included mountain lion. Steele and surrounding communities offer a wide variety of lodging and restaurants and storage for hunters and their gear.
When fishing north Dakota you may find
walleye, perch,(Devils Lake's perch fishery is known nationwide for catches of 1 pound-plus fish), paddlefish, Chinook Salmon (Lake Sakakawea is home to this species), catfish, Northern Pike, bass, bluegill, crappie, muskellunge, sauger, and trout.
For information about hunting and fishing licensing, lottery, and seasons in North Dakota, please visit the ND Game and Fish Department website.

Sandy The Worlds Largest Sandhill Crane
Steele is also home to one of North Dakota's unique attractions. A 38 1/2 foot Sandhill Crane is nested just south of I-94. Completed in the summer of 1999, the crane was inspired by local wildlife. In fact, central North Dakota is a migration route and summer home for numerous species of birds. All kinds of ducks and geese, cranes, and pelicans frequent the many waterholes and lakes that surround Steele.
Disc Golfing
Steele is home to a disc golf course located in the Four Seasons Community Park on the south side of Steele just east of the Kidder County school. More information about this sport can be found at Professional Disc Golf Association website.
Kidder County Swimming Pool
103 Sunshine Ln S Steele, ND 58482
Kidder County Swimming Pool
103 Sunshine Ln S Steele, ND 58482
Meetings are monthly and open to the public
check the event page or the Steele Ozone